Valenta Organized Satellite Symposium on ENT Diseases
Valenta organized «Systemic and Topical Therapy of ENT Infections: Difficulties of Choice or Master’s Tools?» satellite scientific and practical symposium. Experts described the new 2015-2016 epidemic season and discussed therapeutic approaches to ARD treatment and measures to combat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ear.
The symposium was held within the XIV Russian Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists «Science and Practice in Otorhinolaryngology». The symposium was co-chaired by A.I. Kryukov, MD, Professor, Director of the L.I. Sverzhevsky Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology, MHD, Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the Faculty of Medicine at Pirogov RNRMU, and V.M. Svistushkin, MD, Professor, Head of the Department and Director of Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic at I.M. Sechenov SBEI HPE First MSMU, Chief Visiting Otorhinolaryngologist in the CFD of Russia.
At present, according to WHO, up to 20% of the world population falls ill with flu annually during seasonal epidemics, serious forms occur in 3-5 million cases, and lethal outcomes make from 250,000 to 500,000 cases. Influenzal diseases cause destruction of ciliated epithelium, which basic function is cleaning respiratory tract, and consequently, due to structure dysfunction, open to various infections the access to lungs. Therefore preventive measures against flu and ARVI helping to prevent or soothe such consequences are extremely urgent.
V.M. Svistushkin, MD, Professor, Head of the Department and Director of the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic at I.M. Sechenov SBEI HPE First MSMU, Chief Visiting Otorhinolaryngologist in the CFD of Russia: «ARD is a disease demanding serious attitude both from the patient and from the doctor.»
Besides the general infectious intoxication of different degrees of manifestation, the basic ARV symptom is the respiratory tract involvement, at various levels, first of all, of its upper parts. Runny nose and sore throat in children are the most frequent causes of addressing the doctor. The intensity of these complaints can vary from a primary stage to an expressed manifestation, including the development of complications. Adults are considered to face these problems at least 2-3 times a year. High prevalence and risk of complications require fast and effective treatment of the throat inflammatory pathology.
Another widespread ENT disease developing against the background of ARD is the otitis. Among all otitis pathologies, the external otitis prevalence makes 17 to 30%1. The share of patients with the external otitis in out-patient practice reaches 50%2, while 3 to 5%3 of population suffers from the chronic form of the disease. The following factors can be named among the main causes of such disappointing statistics: degradation of life quality as an integrated socio-medical parameter, ecological deterioration, including environment and components of nutrition; increase of flora resistance caused by systemic administration of antibiotics; immunity impairment and growth of number of people with endocrine disorders, metabolic disturbances, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Inflammatory diseases of the outer ear have bacterial causes in 60-98%4 of cases. The microbial landscape has eventually undergone changes. In the past, Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 70-90% of cases, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was present not more than in 10-20% of studies, but today the role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa has increased to the average of 78%, whereas Staphylococcus aureus is identified in only 9-27% of cases5.
G.N. Nikiforova, MD, Professor at the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat at I.M. Sechenov SBEI HPE First MSMU: «For the lack of early microbiological diagnostics, medical tactics in case of the external otitis is based on a starting empirical prescription of systemic and topical antimicrobial medicines. Therefore, in order to achieve the desirable effect with empirical choice of therapy, the preferred antimicrobial medications are featuring a wide range of action and effectiveness against the majority of causative agents, and in particular against P.aeruginosa.»