Valenta Presented the Results of the Observational Program in Neuropsychology
Valenta presented the results of the All-Russia non-interventional observational Program «Studying the Practice of Fenotropil® Application in Patients Suffering from Chronic Brain Ischemia» (TRIUMPH). The program was accomplished with the coordination support of A.I.Fedin, Academician of the RANS, Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of FAMS at Pirogov RNRMU, and E.Y. Solovyeva, D.M.Sci., Professor at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of FAMS at Pirogov RNRMU. The program covered 50 cities of Russia; within the program, observation was accomplished of a course of chronic brain ischemia therapy in more than 2,000 patients with participation of about 850 neurologists from 500 treatment-and-preventive institutions.
The purpose of the observational program is to study the current practice of Fenotropil prescription and identification of the optimal period of curative effect on the basis of a model of recourse of asthenia parameters. The results demonstrated that Fenotropil® therapy caused the expressed decrease of asthenia parameters within the first month of treatment, while further treatment for the second and third months gave opportunity to achieve close-to-normal parameters of asthenia scale.
Besides, patients of the age of 45-54 demonstrated the 55% and 56% decrease of asthenic syndrome intensity at application of the medicine within two and three months accordingly. The group of patients of the age of 55-65 demonstrated the 52% decrease of asthenic syndrome intensity.
Sergey Morozov, Head of the Directorate for Neuropsychological Portfolio Promotion, Member of the Management Board, OAO «Valenta Pharm»: «We aim to implement innovative tools facilitating the doctor’s routine practice, and to increase the level of diagnostics. A module to control the safety of treatment with application of our medicines is an important component of any observational program initiated by our company. We strive to provide healthcare professional with new, ready-made therapeutic approaches and tools adapted for treatment process accomplished within the realities of our country. We believe that such programs will enable the doctor to improve the effectiveness of communication with the patient, and promote the increase of the patient’s satisfaction with treatment.»
The results of the program were revealed for the first time at the XXII Congress «Man and Medicine» in April 2014. They will be presented at scientific conferences of federal and regional levels and by Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry.
Valenta, in partnership with co-authors of the program, is going to introduce the created diagnostic toolkit into the routine medical practice. The program enables doctors to quickly and correctly assess the severity of the patient’s initial condition within the time of the reception, and to evaluate the scope and duration of curative action.