Valenta Took Part in the 14th School of Neurologists «Innovations in Clinical Neurology»
In March 2015, Valenta was one of organizers of the Annual School of Neurologists of St.-Petersburg and Northwestern Federal District (NWFD) of the Russian Federation. The latest methods of diagnostics and treatment of patients with neurologic diseases were the key topic of the discussion.
More than 500 leading researchers and neurologists from Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kazan, Voronezh, Izhevsk, as well as from Czechia and Kazakhstan attended the event. Participants of the School analyzed neurologic diseases occurrence in St.-Petersburg, Leningrad region and Northwestern region, discussed the standards of treating patients with neurologic diseases and assessment of medical complexes efficiency according to the rules of evidence-based medicine. Leading Russian experts considered the real prospects of improvement of organization and quality of medical care at a pre-hospital stage, at hospitals, in rehabilitation centres, specialized sanatoria, polyclinics and at home. Within the event, scientific lectures were arranged devoted to fundamental and applied aspects of clinical neurology and neuroscience and aimed at the increase of professional skills and implementation of organizational measures to improve the quality of treatment of neurologic patients.
A.A. Skoromets, D.M.Sci., Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, Chief Neurologist of St.-Petersburg, Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Pavlov SPbSMU: «Statistics in the field of psychoneurology is disappointing. Millions of people all over the world suffer from neurologic disorders. About 6.2 million people die annually due to consequences of strokes. More than 50 million people suffer from epilepsy. About 35.6 million patients suffer from dementia, and about 7.7 million new cases of this disease occur annually. Alzheimer’s disease induces 60-70% of cases of dementia in the world. Migraine cases exceed 10% of all neurologic diseases globally.»
Along with the School, Valenta participated in the exhibition of leading pharmaceutical companies and brought the results of Triumph monitoring program to the attention of community.
Sergey Morozov, Head of the Directorate for Psychoneurological Portfolio Promotion, Member of Management Board, OAO «Valenta Pharm»: «The educational events of this kind help to discuss essential problems of the industry and to learn about colleagues’ achievements. The participating pharmaceutical companies can present their novelties, projects and ideas to doctors, and get an opportunity to find out medical community’s wishes and needs.»