Valenta Took Part in the XIV Congress of Therapists of St.-Petersburg and NWFD
At the end of March 2015, Valenta participated in the XIV Congress of Therapists of St.-Petersburg and Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation. Academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Science, professors, associate professors, and researchers from St.-Petersburg, Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation spoke at the Congress. In their lectures and presentations, they addressed the most urgent issues of internal pathology: cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, immune pathology, rheumatology, neurology and hematology. All the speakers paid special attention to the modern methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases.
The participants of the Congress acknowledged that improvement of gastrointestinal tract diseases detection was one of the major challenges in the sphere of therapeutic preventive measures, since patients generally did not perceive the basic symptoms immediately as the signs of serious illness.
«As of today, the problems of functional gastrointestinal tract disorders are widely spread. From 1980 to 2000, the tendency towards decrease of occurrence of stomach ulcer and oncology is observed, while the occurrence of dyspepsia syndrome and that of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) sharply increased,» — Vladimir Ilyich Simanenkov, D.M.Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Therapy and Clinical Pharmacology of Mechnikov NWSMU, emphasized in his presentation. «In the countries of Western Europe and in Russia, dyspepsia is diagnosed in 30-40% of population. Functional dyspepsia is diagnosed for every third patient consulting a gastroenterologist. However, only 25% of patients with dyspeptic complaints visit the doctor.»
Participants of the Congress had opportunity to know about new medicines produced by pharmaceutical companies operating in St.-Petersburg and Northwestern Region. Valenta presented its own observational programs and studies in the sphere of gastroenterology, and modern approaches to treatment for functional gastrointestinal tract diseases with application of the company’s medicine, which is unique on the Russian market. This information caused great interest from the part of general practitioners and gastroenterologists, who asked questions and brought about their own comments.
Ekaterina Zakharova, Medical Director, OAO «Valenta Pharm»: «Gastroenterology is one of Valenta’s key priority therapeutic areas. We actively invest in the development of efficient and safe innovations for treatment of dyspeptic disorders, irritable bowel syndrome and biliary tract dysfunction. Our cooperation with primary healthcare professionals for introduction of new diagnostic methods and ways of assessment of treatment efficiency into their daily clinical practice is especially valuable.»