Valenta Took Part in the XVI Congress of Psychiatrists of Russia
Within the XVI Congress of Psychiatrists of Russia, two satellite symposiums were organized with the support of Valenta. The Congress of Psychiatrists is the largest scientific event in the field of mental health, held every 5 years since 1887. In 2015, over 1,700 neurologists, narcologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists from many regions of Russia, nearby and remote foreign states attended the Congress.
Valenta took part in organization of two scientific symposiums: «Vital Issues of Biological Therapy of Schizophrenia» and «Integrative Approaches to Anxiety and Insomnia».. S.N.Mosolov, D.M.Sci., Professor at the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry, RF Ministry of Healthcare, Head of the Scientific and Methodical Centre of Mental Diseases Therapy, RF Ministry of Healthcare, and E.E.Tsukarzi, Head of the Department of Intensive Therapy and Non-Pharmacogenic Methods of Treatment, Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry, were co-chairmen of the first symposium. Within the symposium, problems and prospects of pharmacotherapy application in patients with schizophrenia, clinical displays and therapy of neurologic side effects of antipsychotic therapy were considered in detail.
«Integrative Approaches to Anxiety and Insomnia» symposium was held under co-chairmanship of A.S.Avedisova, Professor, D.M.Sci., the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, psychiatrist, Head of the Department of Therapy of Mental and Behavioral Disorders at Serbsky FSBI SSC SFP, V.E.Medvedeva, C.M.Sci., Psychiatrist, Doctor of Supreme Grade, Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Pathology at RTF HP RUPF, and L.S.Kanaeva, Chief Researcher at Serbsky FSBI SSC SFP. Within the event, experts presented their views on the development of anxiety and insomnia, and discussed comprehensive methods of therapy.
Patients with anxiety disorders make a significant share of the initial reception at the psychiatrist’s (about 12%). Mood disorder and somatoform disorders (chronic pains, morbid depression) make 7.8% and 6.3%, correspondingly. According to the poll carried out by Serbsky FSBI SSC SFP, 383 patients and 181 healthy persons identified anxiety and fear as the basic signs of mental pathology.
There is a wide range of medicines for therapy of anxiety states, among which three basic groups are specified: tranquilizers (benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepines), antidepressants and neuroleptics.
Among neuroleptics, a group of so-called «small-dose» neuroleptics is applied to treat anxiety disorders. They feature minimum psychotropic action and minimum risk of extrapyramidal disorders (Parkinson’s symptoms, akathisia, tachykinesia), and good tolerance. These medicines do not usually induce either drowsiness, or cardiac conduction disorders.
A.S.Avedisova, Professor, D.M.Sci., the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Psychiatrist, Head of the Department of Therapy of Mental and Behavioral Disorders at Serbsky FSBI SSC SFP, Ministry of Health of Russia: «Anxiety disorders are the ones most widespread and poorly tolerated by patients, almost always urging them to address for help to the doctors of different specialties (medical „shopping“), bringing the problem of therapeutic support of such patients up to the level of general practice. Thus, the psychiatric education of GP professionals becomes a necessary condition of easing the economic „burden“ on community, in respect of anxiety disorders, sometimes connected with patients’ dramatic reduction of their social functioning or such socially significant phenomena as suicide tendencies or addiction. Only the consistent adherence to the standards of therapeutic methods and clinical recommendations will help specialists to choose the right therapy from a wide „set“ of medical products for anxiety disorders.»