Fenotropil® — Choice of Neurologists
According to the results of Prindex study spring wave carried out by Synovate Comcon in 2015 Fenotropil® entered the top three nootropics most commonly prescribed by Moscow neurologists.
Andrei Agafonov, Head of Directorate for Psychoneurological Portfolio Promotion, OAO «Valenta Pharm»: «Psychoneurology is one of Valenta’s strategic therapeutic areas. This assessment of Fenotropil by Moscow neurologists confirms the wide range of action and high efficiency of the original Russian medicine for neurological diseases treatment.»
About Fenotropil®
Fenotropil is a nootropic medicine with strong antiamnestic action and direct effect of activating the integrative cerebration; it promotes memory consolidation, improves attentiveness and cognitive process, facilitates educative process, increases the rate of information transmission between the cerebral hemispheres, increases cerebral tissue resistance to hypoxia and noxious effects, features anticonvulsant action and anxiolytic activity, regulates the processes of activation and suppression of the central nervous system, and improves mood.