Valenta Took Part in the IV Congress of the Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases
In May 2016, Valenta organized and carried out “Overview of the 2015/2016 Epidemic Season” scientific and practical symposium held within the IV Congress of the Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases in St.-Petersburg.
Y.V. Lobzin, President of the Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases, Academician of RAS, MD, Professor, Director of the Scientific and Research Institute of Children’s Infections of FMBA of Russia, Chief Independent Specialist in Children’s Infectious Diseases at the RF Ministry of Health opened the symposium. In his report, Mr. Lobzin focused on the dynamics of flu incidence and prevalence in St.-Petersburg, data on hospitalization of children to the city hospitals, and potentialities of diagnostics and treatment of influenza infection; he also drew pediatricians’ attention to a medicine for treatment of children over 7 years of age, which had been included in Valenta’s anti-catarrhal portfolio in 2015. Leading specialists in infectious diseases, clinicians and virologists attended the symposium. L.V. Kolobukhina, MD, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Acute Respiratory Viral Infections with Approbation of Medicines at D.I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, presented statistics on clinical and epidemiological features of flu revealed during the epidemic season of 2015/2016, and the strategy of its treatment; she also spoke about implementation of advanced effective antiviral medicines. Ms. Kolobukhina set forth algorithms of therapy of different clinical forms of the disease; in particular, she mentioned the clinical action of Valenta antiviral medicine applied to treat A(H1N1) flu that had prevailed during the epidemic season of 2015/2016. A.Y. Egorov, Doctor of Biology, Professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Vienna, Austria), spoke about the dynamics of flu infectious process and the molecular mechanism of action of advanced antiviral medicines applied at different stages of the process.
Flu is one of the most widespread viral diseases characterized by intoxication and high risk of serious complications. A(H1N1) influenza virus dominated during 2015/16 epidemic season, which determined its high incidence and growing number of complications and adverse outcomes. The major principle of flu treatment is the earliest possible start of fight against the disease. The initial antiviral therapy applied at early stages is centered on suppression of the virus replication. Besides, the reduction of viral load is a preventive measure against complications. Combined antiviral and antibacterial therapy helps to relieve the course of the disease complicated by secondary bacterial infection. The delayed request for medical assistance, lack of timely treatment, and co-morbid diseases are the main factors increasing the risk of lethal outcomes.
The IV Congress of the Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases has brought together more than 400 doctors from regions of Russia, and specialists from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirghizia and Belarus. Its comprehensive scientific program gave the participants opportunity to share knowledge, ideas and practical experience. The wide range of topics discussed at the congress included biosafety, vaccine prophylaxis, bacterial and viral infections, tropical and parasitic diseases, mycoses, etc. The IV Congress of the Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases is included in the Continuing Medical Education (CME) project of the Ministry of Health of Russia with assignment of educational units.