Valenta Pharm Takes Part in 23rd United Russian Gastroenterology Week
Valenta Pharm has organized and carried out two scientific symposiums during the 23rd United Russian Gastroenterology Week: Functional Gastrointestinal Pathologies. Russian and Rome Criteria, and Personalized Treatment of Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases.
In early October, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA, Moscow) hosted the 23rd United Russian Gastroenterology Week. This is one of the key events for experts and specialists in gastroenterology. The event was included into the main agenda of the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) in 2017.
The Week’s program included various plenary sessions and scientific symposiums, two of which were organized by Valenta Pharm that has a lot of up-to-date gastroenterology medicines in its product portfolio.
The first symposium, "Functional Gastrointestinal Pathologies. Russian and Rome Criteria", took place on October 9th, under the chairmanship of RAS Academician, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences V.T. Ivashkin and RAS Academician, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences I.V. Maev. The symposium participants were informed of the key treatments for such diseases as functional dyspepsia, gall bladder dysfunction (dyskinesia), Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and functional disorders of the lower gastrointestinal tract (irritable bowel syndrome, functional constipation). After speakers’ reports, the participants took part in discussions and shared their practical experience. Also, the first findings confirming the efficacy of Trimedat for the treatment of patients with functional bile duct disorders were introduced during this symposium. These findings were obtained within the framework of the TRIBUNE observational program.
The subject of the second symposium organized by Valenta Pharm was "Personalized Treatment of Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases". Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences A.S. Trukhmanov and Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences M.D. Ardatskaya along with other scientists delivered their speeches at this symposium. The participants covered the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and its role in the development of functional disorders and discussed new constipation diagnostic and treatment algorithms as well as the diagnosis and treatment of food intolerance.
Doctor of Medical Sciences A.S. Trukhmanov reported on the disorders of gastrointestinal motility. These disorders often act as a leading pathogenic factor that promotes the development of many widespread gastroenterological diseases. He noted that the composition of treatment should be determined on a strictly individual basis, with due account for the pathogenic process peculiarities in specific patients and with mandatory correction of the underlying cause of gastrointestinal motility disorders. One of the speakers, A.I. Ulyanin, reminded to the audience about proper nutrition schemes in case of food intolerance and singled out primary nutrition rules for intestinal pathologies: temporarily exclusion of poorly tolerable (causing pain and dyspepsia) and gas production promoting products (rich foods, chocolate, legumes (peas, beans, lentils), cabbage, milk, black bread, potatoes, carbonated beverages, kvass, grapes, raisins) and intake of food supplements that contain alpha-galactosidase, a natural enzyme.
M.D. Ardatskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Gastroenterology at the Central State Medical Academy (CSMA): “There are several primary representatives of osmotic laxatives: macrogol, lactulose and lactitol. Macrogol has a good laxative effect, but it does not have a positive influence on the microbiota, while it is very important in case of constipation. Other medicines containing lactulose and lactitol have an additional prebiotic potential. However, lactitol represented by Exportal® in Russia has obvious benefits over other options. First of all, this product less often causes flatulence. Second, it has an additional therapeutic action owing to butyrate, an oil acid that is generated when one’s own microflora metabolizes lactitol. Butyrate has cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects and modulates the peristaltic activity of the colon".
Both symposiums organized by Valenta Pharm were eventful and informative, the speakers shared with the medical community some important information, including data on the properties of Trimedat®, Exportal®, and Orlix® (food supplement) and the company’s new gastroenterology products, Antareit® and Florasan®.