An Autumn Series of CME Online Psychiatry Webinars Starts in September with the Assistance of Valenta Pharm
A series of online webinars for the professional medical community, dedicated to somatoform disorders and autism spectrum disorders, will start in early autumn with the support of Valenta Pharm and Psychiatry and Psychopharmacotherapy (P.B. Gannushkin Journal).
Webinars will be held as a part of continuous medical education program on Consilium Medicum www.con-med.ru – a professional information resource for healthcare practitioners.
Simashkova N.V. – Dr. med. habíl., Professor, Head of Childhood Psychiatry Department, Mental Health Research Center.
Ivanov S.V. – Dr. med. habíl., professor, Somatogenic Pathology Research Departement Mental Health Research Center, Professor of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics of Medicine Faculty, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University).
Information on the date and time of online webinars:
September 13; 12:30 (UTC+3:00) – Autism spectrum disorders: diagnostic approaches. Onlinewebinarlink: https://clck.ru/EBea8
September, 20; 15:00 (UTC+3:00) – Somatoform disorders (functional syndromes) in clinical practice (clinic, typology, pathogenetic mechanisms, diagnostics). Onlinewebinarlink: https://clck.ru/EBegG
September, 26; 12:30 (UTC+3:00) – “Modern therapeutic approaches for autism spectrum disorders. Onlinewebinarlink: https://clck.ru/EBekn
October 16; 15:00 (UTC+3:00) – Modern approaches to psychopharmacotherapy of somatoform disorders in clinical practice”. Online webinar link: https://clck.ru/EBf5R
Additional information on the webinars is available at: https://con-med.ru/teralidgen.html
For technical questions of joining the webinars, please write an email at: nelly@con-med.ru or call: +7 (903) 679-46-07.